Education Centre Information: Tulketh Community Sports College:

Establishment Type:Community School
Phase of Education: Secondary
Status: Closed
Local Authority: Lancashire
Reason Establishment Closed: Result of Amalgamation
Establishment Close Date: 31/08/2008
Boarders: No Boarders
Sixth Form: Does not have a sixth form
Urban/Rural Description: Urban > 10k - less sparse
Special Classes: No Special Classes
Religious Character: Does not apply
Total Pupils: 222
Number of boys: 113
Number of girls: 109
Admissions: Comprehensive
Age Range: 11-16
Gender: Mixed
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As a Specialist Sports College the school believes that the power and passion of sport is central to the promotion of life-long learning for all its students. Tulketh Community Sports College is continually improving its resources to support student's learning. The three new ICT suites with interactive whiteboard providing the very latest in information technology and audio-visual facilities are strategically placed to maximise use. The college has a comprehensive range of facilities to aid to the child's learning. These facilities include sports hall, gymnasium, sports dome, floodlit all-weather pitches, extensive playing fields, floodlit tennis courts, dance studio, library/learning resource centre, learning support suite, science laboratories, purpose-built technology suite, three specialist computer learning centres, modern languages suite, art room, music room, food technology room, specialist drama studio, minibus with seatbelts, fully equipped stage and new dining room facilities. The school's extended curriculum includes a number of master classes, which are organised during the year including table tennis, rugby, Thai kick boxing and football. Students have access to sport talent camps, trips, tours and exchanges. The school has gained a prestigious Sportsmark Gold Award because of its commitment to school and community sport. The school believes that learning should be fun and the pursuit of high quality learning is its core purpose.


Address: Tag Lane


Postcode: PR2 3TX
Lancashire, Preston.
Telephone: 01772 729773

Website: http://www.tulketh.lancsngfl.ac.uk

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